Monday, June 30, 2008

Simply the Best

The best thing in life doesn’t come in the middle. The best thing in life is always the First and the Last. Like a first and last cigarette to a smoker; like the first time you’ve purchased your car and before you trade in for newer ones, like the first kiss and so is the goodbye hug! Memorable yet the reason to move on!

Well, at the moment, it felt great for me when I left my previous job….. breath of fresh air just fills my lung instantly with relief, and now after 2 months time out, I’ll finally be getting back on my feet to a new ground. Looking for a kick start to my new career!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sum of all Peer……Pressures

Yes…. No….. Maybe….. Of Course YesssssZ….. that all of us faces peer pressures in our life. For some of us, it develops into habits, others to beliefs, but not all side effects are negative. Peer pressure terrorizes all ages and genders. We live in a world of peer pressures…..individual desires to imitate and admiration of our idols….. power to influence…. social belongings against self isolation………

But does it take two or more, to surface peer pressure? It lives within us, it’s the reflection of ourselves when we look in the mirror, it’s the shadow that walks alongside us, it’s the silent whisper to our deaf ears….. a conscience beyond all conscience!

Can we live without the presence of peer pressure? Are we building the moulds to shape our everyday lives…. or are we being mould without even realizing it. Are we ever satisfied of being “original” when we are always evolving to the surroundings? There lies the Greatness of insecurity and low self esteem of us, just being Human…………. Does “Kiasu” (fear of losing) rings a bell?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

He ain't Heavy.............. He's just Over Rated!

I was sorting out my collection of photographs, and came across this interesting photograph of my buddy when we were in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, May 2007, riding the "cyclo". It was a memorable trip for all of us till this very day. It was the trip that we had planned for ages but never took off until we finally pack our bags and took full 2 weeks off from our job and went backpacking to Cambodia and Vietnam.

We were so "obvious" as tourist during our trip..... because by the look of our over rated sizes, we definately stands out among the locals! I'd buy the biggest size of T-shirts sold and didn't even bother to check out the size for pants! Even the stall owners would recommend without doubt, pulling out the biggest size they have, before we even get to choose our likings. The it gets us wondering if the 'L' size is as big as ours?...... well, to our surprised, it does varies. Cambodian size 'L' fits us just nice, but the Vietnamese size 'L' is aaaa littleeeee... ahem!..... blame it on the super delicious vietnamese cuisine, I guess!?

Rumours says that.........

I was on the way driving home and it seems like most petrol station is packed with motorist queuing. I thought to myself if there is a rise in petrol again, which was recently increased by 40%. It would be crazy if the price would increase any further, twice within a month?

I called up a close friend who works in the oil & gas industry for further confirmation, before I decide to be part of the queue myself. Well, it seems like there was a rumour that ALL petrol stations will be closed in the next 3 days, this of course worries the entire Kuching motorist. Rumours or not but no one is taking no chances........ It then came to my conscience that the hike in petrol has been topic for some irresponsible citizen to take it as a joke or hoax to create nuisance to all. Little do they know that this ridiculous act causes traffics to bottle neck unnecessarily.

What would the next hoax be?.......... All petrol station to operates from 9-5?!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Overcast shadow on a sunny bright day

I woke up to the the bright sunlight escaping through my window curtains, almost like any other day but today, I slept in late due to the football match earlier in the morning. I didn’t receive any phone messages or calls these days unlike when I was on duty. Then, after a long quiet morning, I receive a brief message from a close ‘subject’…… I call her a close subject as I’m still studying her and trying to understand her….. and at the end of the day, it’ll still depend if I pass or fail the subject.

Overcast shadow on a sunny bright day………my shadows are not defined…..what if I’m put into this final test when I’ve yet to be fully prepared for the answers ahead. This is a test where all my academic knowledge is judged…. Mathematics, to justify my time of arrival for the appointment, ……… Biology, to present my body language appropriately, ……….History, to remember all the dates from the past, ………… Physics, to interpret the next action,……. And finally Chemistry, is there a bond between Us?

Forget all the rules of attraction, or rules of attention, I just go with rules to abandon. I’ll not be punctual…. I’ll not even look in the mirror before I leave home……. I’ll look at her action during that situation……….I’ll leave matters overnight for the chemical reaction. There’s no rule which says you’ll prevail over overnight’s revision. And even if we get straight ‘As’, doesn’t mean that we’ll be able to handle the real world of practice. Most of all, results don’t come immediately……….. Surprised me!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


We have this customs so-called “Complaints”, better still known as “Chee Chee Chaa Chaa”… That’s how the Malay words of “Nenek” comes about when it’s actually “Nag Nag”!

We don’t or never complaints at all when we were young, that’s because we only have our elders complaining bout us….. so, that’s how the brought down of customs comes around and inherited to this very day! We get better in our complaining skills each day; and better still we get allies to complain alongside us! That’s how they come up with “suggestion box”…… sounds far better than just “complaints bin”!

We complaints of overweight when there’s plentiful to eat but we can choose not to eat excessively. We complaints of our leaders when ourselves don’t want to be put into the blames. We complaints of overload work stress, when we can stop working at our workstation…… well, bus stops at bus station, train stops at train stations, so does work stops at workstation!

But does all those complaining comes to a better solution, making life easier? Well, it’s easier to complaint than to get it done…..words or action speaks louder? Some say, when you’re complaining, you’re thinking, but if you don’t, then you’re just accepting. But do they know, that we only complaint when we have someone to hear us out? Well, I guess the beautiful thing in the world of “Complaints” is that it surface the work department to come out with “Customer Service” to sort out and frontlined all issues.

It’s not a bad thing to complaint and speaks our mind out, it has become so casual that we don’t even feel it when we ourselves are complaining. Dictionary actually spells out Complain means ‘Com’ ‘plain’ means ‘plain’ ‘com’munication. Believe me? Or am I complaining too much!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


"A friend in need is a friend indeed", well, I guess the phrase says it all, "Lovers comes and goes by to the tune of Goodbyes” We all are too afraid to get committed or better still leaves ‘Options’ for times to come. It’s so common to hear “We’re still friends after all!” Friendship matures into relationship, or a rotten relationship might as well remains as a friendship?


After spending my entire afternoon reading a friend's interesting lines of Blogs, I've finally try to indulge into this habbit where concerns or opinions maybe shared, read, commented. This maybe the start for me to 'Discover' my walks of life so far......