We have this customs so-called “Complaints”, better still known as “Chee Chee Chaa Chaa”… That’s how the Malay words of “Nenek” comes about when it’s actually “Nag Nag”!
We don’t or never complaints at all when we were young, that’s because we only have our elders complaining bout us….. so, that’s how the brought down of customs comes around and inherited to this very day! We get better in our complaining skills each day; and better still we get allies to complain alongside us! That’s how they come up with “suggestion box”…… sounds far better than just “complaints bin”!
We complaints of overweight when there’s plentiful to eat but we can choose not to eat excessively. We complaints of our leaders when ourselves don’t want to be put into the blames. We complaints of overload work stress, when we can stop working at our workstation…… well, bus stops at bus station, train stops at train stations, so does work stops at workstation!
But does all those complaining comes to a better solution, making life easier? Well, it’s easier to complaint than to get it done…..words or action speaks louder? Some say, when you’re complaining, you’re thinking, but if you don’t, then you’re just accepting. But do they know, that we only complaint when we have someone to hear us out? Well, I guess the beautiful thing in the world of “Complaints” is that it surface the work department to come out with “Customer Service” to sort out and frontlined all issues.
It’s not a bad thing to complaint and speaks our mind out, it has become so casual that we don’t even feel it when we ourselves are complaining. Dictionary actually spells out Complain means ‘Com’ ‘plain’ means ‘plain’ ‘com’munication. Believe me? Or am I complaining too much!
"Plain" + "communication"...
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